Subject: make -j3 stalled with vnlock on amd64
To: None <>
From: Kurt Schreiner <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/19/2005 19:03:43
just tried to compile -current userland cvs updated some hours ago
on a dual opteron machine (Opteron 246, 6G RAM, scsi-disk(s)).
I first compiled and installed a new kernel from the "fresh" sources:
NetBSD sunopti 3.99.14 NetBSD 3.99.14 (SUNOPTI_MP) #23: Mon Dec 19 17:55:47 MET 2005 ks@sunopti:/u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/SUNOPTI_MP amd64
And started ./ -N 1 -u -j 3 -U -m amd64 -O /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/obj
which stopped with this "famous last words":
install ===> gnu/usr.sbin/postfix/spawn
--- /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/dest/usr/libexec/postfix/spawn ---
install /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/dest/usr/libexec/postfix/spawn
--- install-libexec ---
--- /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/dest/usr/bin/uucp ---
install /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/dest/usr/bin/uucp
--- install-usr.sbin ---
--- install-trivial-rewrite ---
install ===> gnu/usr.sbin/postfix/trivial-rewrite
--- install-libexec ---
--- install-uulog ---
install ===> gnu/libexec/uucp/uulog
ps al shows:
77 300 26737 66127 10 0 184 984 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh -c cd /u/NetBSD/src/gnu/usr.bin
77 357 359 35149 10 0 316 1160 wait I+ ttyp0 0:00.02 sh ./ -N 1 -u -j 3 -U -m a
77 358 1022 1820 2 0 40 656 piperd I+ ttyp0 0:00.44 tee -a /var/tmp/mkamd64-051219.180
77 359 1022 3581 10 0 188 528 wait I+ ttyp0 0:00.00 sh NBscripts/build-netbsd -j3 -d
77 885 243 149 18 0 2288 1576 pause Is ttyp0 0:00.02 -tcsh
77 991 885 3581 10 0 188 1020 wait I+ ttyp0 0:00.00 sh NBscripts/build-netbsd -j3 -d
77 1022 991 3581 10 0 188 808 wait I+ ttyp0 0:00.00 sh NBscripts/build-netbsd -j3 -d
77 1947 2468 62985 10 0 856 1676 wait I ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 2156 357 0 2 0 856 1676 poll S+ ttyp0 0:00.36 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 2468 2156 35149 10 0 180 1012 wait I ttyp0 0:00.01 sh
77 8441 12615 0 2 0 516 1336 poll S ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 8690 300 66127 -2 0 440 1236 vnlock D ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 9933 12476 66175 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 12476 27362 0 2 0 508 1324 poll S ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 12615 12476 66175 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 13141 22628 66127 -2 0 204 940 vnlock D ttyp0 0:00.00 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 15800 1947 62985 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 /bin/sh -c _makedirtarget() { dir
77 18227 20174 0 2 0 548 1360 poll S ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 18378 9933 0 2 0 444 1272 poll S ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 18989 15800 0 2 0 856 1672 poll S ttyp0 0:00.22 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 19252 20274 66127 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 20174 24829 66127 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 20274 20656 0 2 0 1476 2324 poll S ttyp0 0:00.07 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 20656 8441 66175 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.01 sh
77 20815 12476 66175 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 22628 26391 66127 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 23035 18989 66175 10 0 180 1012 wait I ttyp0 0:00.01 sh
77 24151 18378 66175 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 sh
77 24232 23035 66175 10 0 812 1632 wait I ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 24829 20815 0 2 0 696 1524 poll S ttyp0 0:00.03 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 25808 18227 66127 10 0 184 1016 wait I ttyp0 0:00.01 sh
77 26391 24151 0 2 0 796 1612 poll S ttyp0 0:00.02 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 26737 25808 66127 2 0 488 1272 piperd I ttyp0 0:00.01 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 27362 24232 66175 10 0 188 1020 wait I ttyp0 0:00.00 /bin/sh -c _makedirtarget() { dir
77 27888 19252 66127 -2 0 208 944 vnlock D ttyp0 0:00.01 /u/NetBSD/arch/amd64/TOOLS/bin/nbm
77 3294 5057 0 18 0 2264 1588 pause Ss ttyp1 0:00.02 -tcsh
77 10268 3294 0 28 0 120 840 - R+ ttyp1 0:00.00 ps al
0 227 1 12340 3 0 52 972 ttyin Is+ ttyE0 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc console
0 233 1 12340 3 0 52 972 ttyin Is+ ttyE1 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyE1
0 234 1 12340 3 0 52 972 ttyin Is+ ttyE2 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyE2
0 235 1 12340 3 0 52 972 ttyin Is+ ttyE3 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyE3
The machine is still responding to the network (no local console), only
the process and it's children hang.
This is the 3nd or 4th time I got this scenario, but couldn't find something
to trigger this at will.
What to do now? Sending a pr? Any things I can do to help with debugging???
(I've compiled the kernel w/ symbols.)