Subject: sed(1) error on wtf(6)
To: None <>
From: Claudio - <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/10/2005 23:55:42
Trying to use wtf(6) on my 3.99.13 but i get
an error from sed(1) output:
$ /usr/games/wtf brb
sed: Unrecognized command: \|^BRB[[:space:]]|s|^BRB[[:space:]]*||p
wtf, I don't know what brb means!
So i've checked the wtf script in the sed(1) line:
ans=`cat $acronyms | fgrep -h $target 2>/dev/null \
| sed -ne "\|^$target[[:space:]]|s|^$target[[:space:]]*||p"`
It seem correct. I'd tried to toggle the backslash at beginning
of regexp but it get the same error.
So, i think that could be a sed(1) problem.
The follow report the output of my cvsup,
about the source upgrade:
--- CVSUP wtf(6) ---
D src/games/wtf
C src/games/wtf/Makefile,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#110#11332608224#17403#444 1.1 99.07. 2#871#19#9326054002#843#664
C src/games/wtf/wtf,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#110#11332608225#110243#444 2005. 2#871#110#11203467004#12163#664
C src/games/wtf/wtf.6,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#110#11332608224#87693#444 2005. 2#871#110#11203468364#13663#664
U src/games/wtf 2#861#11#01#0
--- CVSUP sed(1) ---
rc/usr.bin/sed/sed.0,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#19#8376899315#148183#444
C src/usr.bin/sed/sed.1,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#110#11332611425#248433#444 1.24 2004. 2#871#110#10897205695#140863#664
c src/usr.bin/sed/sed.c,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#19#8376981535#353503#444
c src/usr.bin/sed/sed.test,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#19#8376926945#120003#444
c src/usr.bin/sed/utils.c,v netbsd-3 . 2#871#19#8376981544#65783#444
U src/usr.bin/sed 2#861#11#01#0
I hope of to has been helpful.
Claudio M.
NB: sorry for my english.