Subject: Re: Failed to build -current (Guess whooo... ?)
To: None <>
From: Ian Zagorskih <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/26/2005 16:20:43
> On Mar 17,  7:27am, Ian Zagorskih wrote:
> }
> } Running instboot: /usr/build/tools/i386/bin/nbinstallboot -mi386
> } floppy.24897.tar /usr/build/dest/i386/usr/mdec/bootxx_ustarfs
> } Free space in last tar block: boot 292, netbsd 18,
> } Image is 530 bytes (0 KB) too big to fit on 2 disks
> }
> } Well, who's gonna be killed in netbsd-INSTALL today? :)
>      A better question is what is the status of the cdboot project?

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is cdboot project and where I can read more 
about it? AFAIR I heard about it but don't remember where :(

// wbr