Subject: Re: ath driver and wep
To: Greg Troxel <>
From: Vincent <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/01/2005 22:46:05
Greg Troxel a écrit :

> I made the following change (locally, not committed) yet to
> sys/dev/ic/ath.c to write wep keys to the hardware on power up.  This
> intends to fix the problem of wep keys being set while the power is
> off (ifconfig nwkey before ifconfig up), or lost during ifconfig
> down/up.  I tested on one machine and an ifconfig down/up resulted in
> a working configuration where previously it did not (and I received a
> report from someone else who had the same problem).

I tested it, not for long, but I was led to this:

It is *definitely* better. but I think it does not solve completely the 
problem, as I found my PC disconnected after a while. And it surely does 
not solve the autodeconnection bug (the card drops the link for some 
unknown reason).
