Subject: Re: pam and nullok
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/17/2005 11:35:53
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On 2005.08.26 09:51:50 +0100, David Brownlee wrote:
| 	Trying to upgrade a system to NetBSD-3_BETA and hitting a pam
| 	problem. It has one account to which access should be permitted
| 	without a password. I've tried adding nullok to pam.d/system
| 	but it still seems to reject login via both telnet and ssh.
| 	Anyone have any idea what I'm missing?

Hmm, no. But it is impossible to login without setting a root
password, i.e., using the passwd and master.passwd files from the
sets. I think PAM shouldn't be so restrict.

		-- Rui Paulo

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