Subject: Re: Cross compiling current fails hpcmips
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/16/2005 17:10:11
In article <>,
MOCHIZUKI Tomomitsu  <> wrote:
>today I tried to compile the latest current sources using my i386 box.
>but, compile fails in sys/compat/ultrix/ultrix_misc.c .
>I start the compiling with:
> ./ -m hpcmips -T /a/NetBSD/hpcmips/tools -D
>/a/NetBSD/hpcmips/root -R /a/NetBSD/hpcmips/rel -O
>/a/NetBSD/hpcmips/src/obj -N0 -r -x release

Can you cvs update and try again please?
