Subject: ifconfig if down .. up -> ntpd loses connectivity...
To: None <,>
From: Frank Kardel <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/16/2005 22:48:47
Hi *,

I am running 3.99.7. During the tests for the next ntpd release I noticed
following behaviour on the NetBSD ntpd and the ntp-dev version:

1) Configure ntpd to have peers in the internet reachable via pppoe0.
2) Start ntpd.
3) All is well.
4) Do ifconfig pppoe0 down; ifconfig pppoe0 up.
5) See ntpd still sends from the old address (tcpdump -i pppoe0 port 123).
Unsurprisingly replies are not received.

When you re-start ntpd all is well again.

Am I the only one seeing this ? This does not seem right as the
previous address is gone it doesn't seem to make sense that udp
endpoints remain stuck on invalid addresses. Not even an error is
reported in ntpd. Applications seem to be kept in the dark about
being disconnected from the sane world.

A possible misconfiguration on my part ?
Any comments ?
