Subject: Re: cross compile userland
To: Justin Newcomer <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/13/2005 14:35:43
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On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 02:50:02PM -0400, Justin Newcomer wrote:
  | hey
  | I have a cobalt qube, which isnt the fastest processor in the world,
  | so I want to cross compile my userland (i already cross compiled my
  | kernel)
  | doing the cross compile is no big deal, i have it done already
  | but once I have all the new binaries, I cant figure out how to do the i=
  | ./ -u install=3D/
  | would only work if it was a local machine
  | and i dont really wanna / cant take my qube's hard drive out=20
  | ( my cross compile environment is running in vmware )

I use
	./ [options] distribution sets

This will build all of userland and create sets a la " release",
without building all the release kernels & floppies that a full
" release" does.

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