Subject: Re: HEADS UP: ACPI-CA 20050408 imported to -current
To: Takayoshi Kochi <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/09/2005 09:36:33
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On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 12:22:20AM +0900, Takayoshi Kochi wrote:
> I have just finished importing ACPI-CA 20050408 to -current.
> The last import was 20040211, so there are big changes.
> If you notice any regression or oddities, please reply to this
> mail or file a new PR.

I have an oddity. I'm not certain that it's due to this change, but it
started at just about the right time.

My laptop screen has suddenly developed the habit of powering off the
backlight.  Not the actual LCD, since I can (just) make out the image,
but the light only.  Nothing I do, directly, will make it come back on.

However, as i just discovered, if the X server sets DPMS off (after
the 10 mins or whatever timeout, or via a manual 'xset dpms force
off'), and I then hit a key, the backlight comes on again.

I can't spot any pattern as to when it decides to do it.  It will stay
on fine for hours, and then suddenly get into a state where it will go
off seconda after coming on again.

Dell Latitude C600, BIOS A.22, ACPI dumps available on request.

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