Subject: Re: USB mouse goes dark
To: Martijn van Buul <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/28/2005 06:55:48
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Martijn van Buul wrote:
>It occurred to me that Lennart Augustsson wrote in gmane.os.netbsd.current:
>>I'm very interested in the circumstances involved in this,
>>since I've never had a mouse go dead myself.
>My Microsoft optical mouse dies on a semi-frequent basis, but I suspect
>that this is related to it being connected via an (electronic, PS/2) KVM
>switch. Every now and then (Once per week, or so), the mouse will
>shutdown - but *only* on the NetBSD output on the KVM! Restarting X will
>get it back.
Not sure if this is related, but I have USB keyboard/mouse on a USB kvm
switch, and whenever I switch back to NetBSD, the mouse is dead in X
until I switch virtual consoles away from the X server and back. I've
thought many times about troubleshooting this, but never actually done
anything about it... it's been happening since early 1.6 days, at least,
maybe before. I also have a microsoft optical mouse, but I'm pretty
sure it's happened with others as well.
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