Subject: strange newfs behaviour
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/18/2005 20:23:41
I am seeing a strange thing on -current/macppc. Is it normal to happen?
I have got a 
8:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 home            39845888 @ 53448832 ( 19.0G) S2  UFS k0 
 g:  39845888  53448832     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  53024*-  
partition, which as you can see is 19GB.
When I executed newfs -O 2 -i 4 /dev/wd0g, the operation was successful and I 
noticed nothing until the partition got full in a few days. Then I checked it 
and saw with df that it was about 2GB. Where were the other 17GB? Then I 
newfs'd it without specifying the number if cylinders per inode (I guess...). 
Now it worked great. 
Why? Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks you very much
