Subject: Re: anoncvs problems
To: None <>
From: Chris Ross <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/06/2005 17:55:34
On Feb 5, 2005, at 18:26, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> We experimented with it: one of the NetBSD developers spent a lot of 
> time
> fixing cvs2svn so it would import our repository _at all_ without 
> crashing,
> and then discovered that the resulting Subversion repository was four 
> times
> as large as the original CVS repository had been.
> In other words, we'd need a machine with 32GB of memory to keep it in 
> RAM.
> Unfortunately, we don't have tens of thousands of dollars lying around 
> to
> devote to such experiments. :-/

   That's assuming you had to keep the whole repository in RAM.  While
you may have to do this with CVS, since you search so many of the files
from head to toe, that would be less common in the db4 respository that
subversion generates.  You might need to keep more bytes cached for good
performance, but I don't think you'd need as much of an increase as the
on-disk increase would suggest.

                 - Chris