Subject: Re: horrible raidframe performance on 2.0-RC5
To: None <>
From: Egervary Gergely <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/06/2004 18:30:37
 > Another data point - I'm running 2.0_RC4 from October 8, and it's
 > working just dandy here (XP2000+, 512MB ram, 4 RF mirrors on a pair
 > of 120G PATA disks).

Thank you for all your replies. The problem is somewhat strange,
and I cannot use the proliant box for testing now - it's running
as a production server w/1.6.2 for 3 days flawlessly.
(okay, it's just a workaround for now)

I _really_ want to reproduce this problem on my desktop box, but
it works good with 2.5-RC5. Hmmm...

Anyway, if you are running raidframe with RAID level 5, could you please
test the performance?

RAID component tests: (Seagate 120GB ATA 7200RPM on ICH5)

dd if=/dev/rsd0d of=/dev/null bs=512 count=512k shows ~4 MBytes/sec
dd if=/dev/rsd0d of=/dev/null bs=32k count=8k shows ~59 MBytes/sec (very 

RAID overall tests: (raid 5 with 3 similar disks as above)

dd if=/dev/rraid0d of=/dev/null bs=512 count=512k shows ~2.3 MBytes/sec
dd if=/dev/rraid0d of=/dev/null bs=32k count=8k shows ~25 MBytes/sec

It should be faster, isn't it?

sectPerSU is set to 128
(makes no sensible difference with lower or higher value)

Network Administrator