Subject: Re: IP stack stop responding
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/14/2004 23:54:51
In article <000c01c4ca4e$cf367910$>,
"Jan H. van Gils" <JanVG@Knoware.NL> writes:
> grep -i 3com /var/log/messages
> Nov 14 14:28:22 borg /netbsd: ex0 at pci0 dev 10 function 0: 3Com 3c905B-TX
> 10/1
> 00 Ethernet (rev. 0x24)
> Nov 14 14:28:22 borg /netbsd: ex0: interrupting at irq 10
> Nov 14 14:28:22 borg /netbsd: ex0: MAC address 00:10:4b:06:80:9a
> Nov 14 14:28:22 borg /netbsd: exphy0 at ex0 phy 24: 3Com internal media
> interface
> So messages is not giving a lot of extra information ;-)
Can you try to enter the kernel debugger via CTRL ALT ESC if the system
gets stuck? This might not work properly if the system console is used
by XFree86 at that point of time. If you can into the kernel debugger
type "reboot" to get a crash dump. That dump can be used to find out
where your system gets stuck.
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler