Subject: Re: rfc2228-compliant ftp?
To: Chapman Flack <>
From: Pelle Johansson <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/2004 18:45:30
2004-09-17 kl. 22.27 skrev Chapman Flack:

> I asked this a week or so ago on tech-crypto and nobody woke up.  :)
> The current distributed ftp and ftpd don't support rfc2228 (secure 
> ftp),
> do they?  Are there plans to add support?  Any packages available that
> support it?
> I see there's a 'BSDftpd-ssl' project on freshmeat that would probably 
> work,
> but I was wondering if something already in pkgsrc offers the 
> functionality
> already.
> Anybody happen to know?

I'm pretty sure proftpd has supported it for a while, though personally 
I've never been to fond of that project. pure-ftpd should support it as 
Outside of pkgsrc I'd like to make a blatant plug for my own ftpd. :) 
It can be found at and should compile 
nicely on netbsd since I've run it on it. Haven't had time to work on 
it for a while though, and I noticed latest version sometimes doesn't 
reap its children (running from inetd fixes that though).
Pelle Johansson