Subject: Re: rfc2228-compliant ftp?
To: None <>
From: Chapman Flack <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/2004 12:11:41
skrev Pelle Johansson:

> I'm pretty sure proftpd ....
> pure-ftpd ....
> Outside of pkgsrc I'd like to make a blatant plug for my own ftpd. :) 
> It can be found at and should compile 

To your knowledge, do these all include 2228-compatible ftp *clients*?

At the moment it's the client side I'm looking for... the need is
to access files on a server I do not control, where all services are blocked
except ftp, so there's no chance of using ssh or "sftp" (i.e. ssh) or any
protocol except ftp.  But if their ftpd supports rfc2228 and I can find a
client that supports it, then at least it is possible to exchange files
without revealing my password in cleartext on the internet every time I

Otherwise, unless a different hosting provider can be found, there can be no
acceptably secure way to access the files.  That's why I was asking not only
about pkgsrc but whether there are plans for NetBSD's own ftp support to
include this RFC out of the box.
