Subject: Re: matlab stopped working between 1.6ZH and 2.0C
To: Mark Davies <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/21/2004 22:38:39
On Jul 22, 2:21pm, (Mark Davies) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: matlab stopped working between 1.6ZH and 2.0C
| On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 06:02, Christos Zoulas wrote:
| > >> % matlab
| > >> ??? MATLAB was unable to open a pseudo-tty: Invalid argument [22,1]
| > >
| > >Hmm, I did see that with matlab 6.5 R12. In R13 they apparently stopped
| > >using /dev/ptmx (I think), which allowed NetBSD to do the pty
| > >allocation. Now we have ptmx usage back, eh?
| >
| > Yes, but our ptmx is not compatible with the linux one [I am guessing].
| I suspect so. Here is the relevant bit of the trace:
| 1300 MATLAB CALL ioctl(3,_IOW('T',0x30,0x4),0xbfff9c9c)
this is TIOCGPTN... It is going to be tough to do right. If you remove
/dev/ptmx it will work. Another thing to try is to make /emul/linux/dev/ptmx
a symlink that points to nowhere. I am really busy, but I might get some
time to look at it in a week or so.