Subject: Re: matlab stopped working between 1.6ZH and 2.0C
To: None <,>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/20/2004 17:58:35
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Mark Davies <> wrote:
> We have been successfully using matlab under linux emulation with various=
> instances of -current, most recently 1.6ZH, including using the java base=
> gui front end.
> The following script is our "matlab" command:
> #!/bin/sh
> ulimit -s 32768
> ulimit -d 1048576
> MATLAB_JAVA=3D/usr/pkg/java/sun-1.3.1 export MATLAB_JAVA
> exec /vol/matlab/bin/matlab $*
> However on upgrading to 2.0C matlab now puts up the splash screen then =
> immediately segfaults.  If we invoke matlab without the java (matlab -noj=
> it works (minimally tested) so it looks like its something to do with the=
> java but other java-1.3.1 based things are working fine.

I can confirm that matlab stopped working.  We used to run 1.6ZK, but
ever since going to 2.0_BETA, matlab no longer works in full desktop
mode.  However, it does not seem to be java related.  I can run 'matlab
-nodesktop', which still uses the JVM, but doesn't call the desktop, and
I also run other java apps (such as eclipse).

It also fails regardless of whether or not JDK1.3 or JDK1.4 is used.

When I tried to run the latest version of matlab (6.5.R14), it doesn't
even start in 'nojvm' mode and fails instead with the following error:

/usr/local/ /lib/ version
`GCC_3.0' not found (required by

This, uhm, sucks.

Any ideas anybody?


'I have reached an age where my main purpose is not to receive
messages.' --- Umberto Eco, quoted in the New Yorker

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