Subject: softdep lock-ups
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/29/2004 23:29:45
Greetings all, I'm running a snapshot of NetBSD-CURRENT as given by
uname -a "NetBSD athlon1000 2.0F NetBSD 2.0F (GENERIC) #4: Sat Jun 26
03:40:22 GMT 2004
roman@athlon1000:/usr/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile.i386/GENERIC i386" and I
experience frequent system lock-ups druing heavy I/O operations on UFS2
filesystems mounted with "softdep" option. The system hangs at random
times and the only thing I can do is to reset it. I have disabled
"softdep" on all mounted filesystem and the frequent lock-ups have
stopped, however the filesystem performance is worse without "softdep".
My question is has anyone experienced the same problem, is it a well
known bug, where should I look for the cause of the problem?