Subject: Re: cac/ld problems
To: Chris Ross <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/21/2004 16:36:43
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On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 10:24:33AM -0400, Chris Ross wrote:
> I have the OS installed on ld0, the first LUN of the first RAID1 pair.
> I've seen no oddities. However, I wanted to mount a new filesystem,
> so I disklabel'd ld1, and set partitions on it. I have part 'c' for
> the whole disk, 'a' as the first 6 or so GB, and part 'd' as the
> remaining 4ish GB. After learning how to invoke/use disklabel, this
> seems to work fine. disklabel reports things that look just fine.
> However, operations performed on ld1a and ld1d appear to both affect
> ld1a. If I try to mount both of them, two filesystems of the same
> size with the same content will both mount. If I mount one, unmount
> it, then fsck the other, it reports it's last mount as the last mount
> of the first filesystem.
> There's some sort of fairly severe problem here. I'll be happy to
> submit a send-pr on it, but I wanted to get some feedback about what
> information I should include to make this the most useful. Anyone
> seen this sort of problem before?
on i386, partition c =3D whole disk, partition d =3D whole NetBSD part of
disk. use partition e for your data instead.
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org> --
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