Subject: Re: access to device fails after update
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/18/2004 14:17:31
Jukka Salmi --> current-users (2004-06-16 09:35:33 +0200):
> since I updated my current NetBSD i386 system (sources from yesterday)
> I can't write images to CF cards anymore:
> $ gzip -dc image.gz | wc -c
> 5242880
> $ gzip -dc image.gz | dd of=/dev/rwd0d bs=16k
> dd: /dev/rwd0d: Invalid argument
> 35+1 records in
> 35+0 records out
> 573440 bytes transferred in 1.712 secs (334953 bytes/sec)
> This worked fine before, and still works fine when using NetBSD stable
> with the same hardware.
Tracing dd reveals the following:
442 dd CALL read(0,0x804e000,0x4000)
442 dd GIO fd 0 read 2084 bytes
442 dd RET read 2084/0x824
442 dd CALL __sigprocmask14(1,0x804c334,0xbfbfeaa0)
442 dd RET __sigprocmask14 0
442 dd CALL write(3,0x804e000,0x824)
442 dd RET write -1 errno 22 Invalid argument
I found two ways to work around the problem:
- using gzip from a NetBSD 1.6.2 system
- not specifying bs=16k as a dd operand
What could be the source of the problem? Help is appreciated.
TIA, Jukka
bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~