Subject: System lockup at "ifconfig vlanX destroy"?
To: None <>
From: Lars-Johan Liman <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/04/2004 11:04:54
I'm playing with vlans a bit, but a few times I've run into a very
nasty situation where the entire OS totally freezes (as in "reset
button is your friend" :-P) when I tell it
ifconfig vlanX destroy
where "X" is the number of the vlan interface I happen to be fiddling
with. The parenting physical I/F is an fxp0, if that matters ...
Unfortunately I cannot predictably repeat it. It happens now and then,
but often enough to be a real pain in the sit-upon.
This is on 1.6ZK from late february, but I seem to remember having
seen it on 1.6ZC too, sime time ago.
(I periodically have to fiddle with this in conjunction with courses
that I teach with rather large intervals.)
Has anyone else seen this? Bug or feature? Cure or work-around? Fixed
in later code?
# There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand
# binary numbers, and those who don't.
# Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc. ! E-mail:
# Senior Systems Specialist ! HTTP : //
# Autonomica AB, Stockholm ! Voice : +46 8 - 615 85 72