Subject: nfs gid based access right problems with netbsd-{current,2-0}
To: None <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/01/2004 00:12:29

With netbsd-current and netbsd-2-0 I see the following problem with
accessing files located in a nfs mounted directory and restricted to
gid based access (/usr/distrib/. is the nfs (via amd) mounted

  $ ls -ld /usr/distrib/.
  drwxr-xr-x  5 root  wheel  512 May 31 23:50 /usr/distrib/./
  $ id
  uid=4444(kilbi) gid=5243(users)
  $ ls -l /usr/distrib/test.txt 
  -r--r-----  1 root  users  6 May 31 23:50 /usr/distrib/test.txt
  $ cat /usr/distrib/test.txt 
  cat: /usr/distrib/test.txt: Bad address

The access works normally on netbsd-1-6 machines:

  $ cat /usr/distrib/test.txt 

, so it seems not to be a nfs server problem.

The strange thing for me is that there is a minority of
netbsd-{current,2-0} machines which can access the file (as the
netbsd-1-6 ones), but the majority cannot, platform independent (I
tested i386, macppc, alpha, sparc64). I cannot find a reproducible
rule... :-(

-> Does anybody else see this kind of problem?

Beside amd we are using nis based {u,g}id's if this does matter...
