Subject: Re: ${SRCS} dependency for .depend in
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/12/2004 12:53:05
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 08:16:14AM -0600, wrote:
  | In share/mk/ (v1.67), the dependency for .depend is the
  | following:
  |      .depend: ${__DPSRCS.d}
  | where ${__DPSRCS.d} is derived from ${SRCS} if it is defined.
  | One consequence of this is that dynamically constructed files will
  | build with 'make all' but will not exist for an earlier 'make
  | depend'.  Earlier incarnations of this file included a dependency on
  | ${SRCS} for the .depend target.
  | This behavior was removed in (v1.54) with the following
  | comment:
  |      Revision 1.54, Fri Aug 1 00:55:43 2003 UTC (9 months, 1 week ago) =
by lukem=20
  |      Branch: MAIN=20
  |      Changes since 1.53: +2 -2 lines=20
  |      tweak ${DEPENDSRCS.d} target so that ${SRCS} isn't there.  this fi=
xes the
  |      "make: out of memory" problem when make dependencies in lib/libc.
  |      XXX: this is a temporary workaround.  i'm working on cleaning up h=
  |      the DPSRCS stuff is used throughout the tree...
  | Since that time a lot has changed in the structure of  I
  | wonder if it is ok to reintroduce the ${SRCS} dependency, so that
  | Makefiles with dynamically created source code will be able to make
  | their dependencies properly.

That shouldn't be necessary; automatically generated sources should
be listed in DPSRCS so that they are created as part of "make depend"
(before "make all").

Which directories in the tree isn't this true for?

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