Subject: Re: releng autobuild 2.0 using 1.6A?
To: None <>
From: William Allen Simpson <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/12/2004 14:32:31
Thor Lancelot Simon rants:
> > > >
> > > > TOOLDIR path: /autobuild/netbsd-2-0/i386/OBJ/autobuild/netbsd-2-0/src/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6A-i386
> > > >
> > (1) There have been a few Security Advisories since then -- which would
> > seem to affect an FTP server, among other features.
> Since you don't actually use the machine in question, you can't actually
> have any rational basis for any statement whatsoever about whether a given
> security fix has been applied, right? I'm just checking, because it really
> sounds to me like you're spreading FUD.
As previously described, I'm basing my question entirely on the observed
"NetBSD-1.6A-i386". This has always changed for me whenever I updated
the kernel. That seemed a "rational basis" -- but then, the operators
could very well have faked the information.
Pray tell, *DID* releng fake the information?
(You don't seem to be listed at
> > (2) It would certainly be nice to use those file and memory speed-ups
> > that folks have added over the years.
> Again, since you don't actually use the machine in question, you can't
> really say much about its performance on the basis of actual empirical
> observation, right?
Yes, I've noticed that the time for compiling the i386 tree on that
machine has increased by "empirical observation":
03:31:28 last year [Thu May 29 06:31:33 UTC 2003]
04:52:33 most recently [Sun Mar 28 05:44:49 UTC 2004]
> Again, I'm just curious -- both why this is a topic
> of such fascination to you
Again, I'm just curious, making a substantive observation, and
pertinent suggestion.
> and why you seem to think it's reasonable for
> you to be making loud, pseudo-authoritative statements about it on a
(I'm reasonably certain you cannot hear me.)
(Are you asserting that no relevent security advisories have been
issued since 1.6A, nor file and memory speed-ups?)
Do you take your interpersonal social pointers from Theo DeRaadt?
> public list
(Do you have another list in mind?)
> without making it clear that you're not, actually, in a
> position to know.
I'm quite certain that my question was abundantly clear....
MANY THANKS for the friendly and informative answer! :-(
William Allen Simpson
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