Subject: sendmail queue id and gmtime(3) - leap second
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/17/2004 00:38:24
Dose gmtime(3) supports the leap second? Man page say that tm_sec
range is [0,61]. In /usr/src/lib/libc/time/localtime.c, codes and comments
mention to leap second.
In /usr/src/gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail/queue.c (NetBSD current),
there is a character array for queue id chars.
around line # 5168
.... QueueIdChars[] = "0...9A..Za..x"; --- 60 chars.
around line # 5225
.... idbuf[5] = QueueIdChars[tm->tm_sec]; --- 0<= tm_sec < 60
If gmtime() supports leap second, it breaks the queue id name.
It seems that sendmail 8.12.11 has support leap second.
Take care of systems that can generate time values where the
seconds can exceed the usual range of 0 to 59.
Problem noted by Randy Diffenderfer of EDS.
Thanks in advance.
NISHIO Yasuhiro