Subject: Re: vi.recover never gets cleaned up
To: NetBSD-current Discussion List <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: VaX#n8 <vax@linkdead.gangsta.local>
List: current-users
Date: 03/14/2004 10:04:18
>> In case it's not clear, I was not editing said file when the system rebooted
>> I had exited normally, and yet I still get these annoyance emails.
>Are you doing this on a diskless client (i.e. with /var/tmp on NFS)?


But it is a system on which I've done a number of upgrades, some source-only,
some binary, and so permissions may be off on some directory, or some obsolete
files may be present, or /etc/rc may have some arcana.