Subject: Re: build problem
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/10/2004 01:15:26
Jukka Salmi --> current-users (2004-03-09 20:18:24 +0100):
> seems to be fixed. Thanks!

Sorry, not quite true... I'm now getting the same error as Uwe:

#   execute  checkflist
/opt/tools/current/bin/nbmake checkflist
cd /opt/src/nbsd/current/distrib/sets &&  DESTDIR=/opt/dst/current  MACHINE=i386 MACHINE_ARCH=i386  CKSUM=/opt/tools/current/bin/nbcksum MAKE=/opt/tools/current/bin/nbmake MTREE=/opt/tools/current/bin/nbmtree  MKTEMP=/opt/tools/current/bin/nbmktemp PAX=/opt/tools/current/bin/nbpax HOST_SH=sh  sh ./checkflist  -b  

============  1 extra files  ===============
Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist.
File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?
=========  end of 1 extra files  ===========


bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~