Subject: Re: vi.recover never gets cleaned up
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Aymeric Vincent <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/09/2004 11:38:10
Don't use the full path, just the file name. It should display the=20
backed up version of the file, which you can save wherever you see fit.

These files can exist either because of an unexpected exit (kill,=20
crash, system reboot, ...) or because you explicitly ask for such file=20=

to be "preserved" with the :pre command. (can happen if you want to=20
type :prev and miss the "v").


Le 8 mars 04, =E0 23:15, VaX#n8 a =E9crit :

> I do, and it says:
> $ vi -r /path/to/file.txt
> No files named /path/to/file.txt, readable by you, to recover
> In case it's not clear, I was not editing said file when the system=20
> rebooted.
> I had exited normally, and yet I still get these annoyance emails.