Subject: Re: HAL (was fails)
To: None <>
From: David Young <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/29/2004 13:54:12
On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 03:59:51PM +0100, John Schieferle Uhlenbrock wrote:
> Just a side note to the whole HAL subject. AFAIK we cant supply the src
> within the US because of the FCC. Why don't we supply it outside atleast?
> Don't know if this is feasable or useful, just throwing out my two cents.

NetBSD cannot supply the HAL source because no NetBSD developer can get
hold of it.  It is not clear to me who is the author of the source code
restrictions; if it is the FCC, I am curious to see specific documentation
of that fact.


David Young             OJC Technologies      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933