Subject: Re: pagedeamon deadlocks anyone ?
To: Bang Jun-Young <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/19/2004 18:19:25
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On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 06:46:04PM +0900, Bang Jun-Young wrote:
> > anyone got pagelocks recently ?
> Are you using lfs? The deadlock occurred to me when I tried to extract a
> very large tarball on a lfs volume. Kernels between 2/14 and yesterday
> have the same problem. What's odd is, the same thing was okay with a ffs
> (+softdep) partition.

I don't know LFS, but I understand it doesn't use the uvm page cache,
and all data is still done using the buffercache (which has now
changed under it).  As a result, it could easily trigger the same kind
of tuning problems and assumptions with a buffercache full of dirty
data as a big burst of softdep metadata updates.


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