Subject: Re: /usr/bin/sort bug?
To: None <>
From: MLH <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/12/2004 16:28:29
MLH wrote:
> There appears to be a somewhat-recently created bug in /usr/bin/sort.
Also, reverse-numeric field sorts are ignored and field specified
-b options are ignored, in addition to the original 'fields containing
blanks are not correctly sorted' problem.
What exactly does this mean:
init.c(315) :
* ascii, Rascii, Ftable, and RFtable map
* REC_D -> REC_D; {not REC_D} -> {not REC_D}.
* gweights maps REC_D -> (0 or 255); {not REC_D} -> {not gweights[REC_D]}.
* Note: when sorting in forward order, to encode character zero in a key,
* use \001\001; character 1 becomes \001\002. In this case, character 0
* is reserved for the field delimiter. Analagously for -r (fld_d = 255).
* Note: this is only good for ASCII sorting. For different LC 's,
* all bets are off. See also num_init in number.c