Subject: Re: nfs performance
To: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/11/2004 07:12:46
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On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 12:37:07PM -0500, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 06:37:59PM +0200, Arto Huusko wrote:
> >=20
> > So: I have a quite beefy i386 client, with VIA Rhine NIC. The server
> > is AlphaStation 500/266 with rtk NIC. The NICs are crap, and I suspect
> > that's the problem, but:
In part the larger packet train caused by fragmenting the big NFS
packet may be hurting you, with these poor NICs that don't handle
traffic bursts well.
While a 2k blocksize is certainly not optimal, it's also a strange
size wrt ethernet frames. Out of curiosity, try something like 1400
(to leave room for headers, which i can't recall how large they are
right now for rpc) and fit everything in a single frame. Certainly it
will suck, but it might suck in interestingly-different ways than a
series of 1500/500 (approx) packets.
> Even a *gigabit* card for the i386 box would only cost $30
> You shouldn't need to use 2K RPC requests for NFS. Doing so will
> significantly limit performance all by itself.
And the best thing about using gig e is that you can have large
frames, so an 8k NFS packet doesn't need to be fragmented. (assuming
you have two machines on a single cable, or a switch with only gig
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