Subject: Re: ntp problems?
To: Steve Bellovin <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/15/2004 15:53:02
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Steve Bellovin wrote:

> I upgraded to yesterday's -current; now, ntpd isn't synchronizing:
> ntpq -c peer
>      remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
> ==============================================================================
> xraptor.research      2 u   58   64  377   17.996  -14.613  25.466
> xhelm3017.resear    3 u    1   64  377    1.107  818.970  18.044
> The 'x' means "falseticker" -- befor I restarted ntpd, I was 3-4 seconds off,
> with both showing the 'x'.
> Here are the relevant lines from ntpd.conf:
> # egrep -v '^#' /etc/ntp.conf
> pidfile         /var/run/
> driftfile       /var/db/ntp.drift
> logconfig       -syncstatus
> broadcastclient
> server
> server

These last two, "broadcastclient", and "server ..." are not
intended to be used together. Is there even a broadcasting server
on your network? Also, two servers is not a good number to have, as
there's no way for the daemon to know which one is correct when they
disagree. Having only one might work better, or if your firewall
permits it, you could add one or two instances of
