Subject: Re: SCO will soon be going after BSD
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/20/2003 11:50:36
On Thursday 20 November 2003 09:45, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> When's the last time you actually needed to _use_ one of those
> revisions? 

Oh yea--I almost forgot. :-)

I've needed to use these revisions in a historical, archivist sense, and 
I suppose you could say that I've "needed" them on many occasions just 
in the past few months.

There are other, superior SCM systems to CVS out there which are better 
suited to reporting mechanisms, and converting from a broken CVS 
repository is slightly more difficult than converting from a clean one. 

Tracking changes in NetBSD is easier once the CVS repository is 
converted and mining historical statistics, or other forms of 
information, is simpler too.