Subject: Re: identd broken in 1.6ZE?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/14/2003 15:29:24
In article <>,
Jonas Ohlsson <> wrote:
>After upgrading from 1.6O to 1.6ZE on an i386 machine, identd for IPv6
>does not work.
>This happens both with /usr/libexec/identd, oidentd and pidentd-2.8.5.
>IPv4 requests get serviced just fine.
>This is what is shown in the syslog:
>Nov 14 09:05:57 larry identd[2745]: Connection from
>Nov 14 09:06:02 larry identd[2745]: from: ( ) for: 123,
>Nov 14 09:06:02 larry identd[2745]: k_getuid: sysctl 1: No such process
>Does anyone have any clue as to why it behaves like this?

Because it does not understand ipv6?
