Subject: Re: isp0: I/O while blocked.
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/28/2003 12:12:25
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Staffan Thomen <> wrote:
> For a few days now, I've had repeated freezes of my NetBSD/Alpha
> system running fresh -current kernels (userland hasn't had time to
> catch up yet)
> That is, the serial console spits out
> isp0: I/O while blocked
> so fast that it gets it wrong, missing newlines and question marks
> all over. I can't break the system into kernel debugger either,
> it appears.
> Did my QLA1080 go mad, or did something happen software-wise?
FWIW, I encountered the same problem with a QLA2800 on i386. Updating
sources to latest fixed the problem. I know, not very helpful, sorry.
chown -R us:enemy your_base
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