Subject: Re: how to install pkgsrc compiled on another machine?
To: None <>
From: Kazushi (Jam) Marukawa <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/13/2003 14:30:32
Thanks aliver for good remedy (probablly better solution).
I wanted to do only installation from slower machine as what
I was doing old days without pkgsrc. However, it is not
possible in pkgsrc. Richard described in private mail that
pkgsrc Makefile keeps in track checked dependencies in work
directory and it cause conflicts between compiling machine
and installing machine.
However, like you described, pkgsrc has pkg-ing tools. I
can package them and distribute them among my machiens. I
even don't need to run very complicated Makefiles set on
slower machine. It's better solution than typing "make
install" on all machine. ;-) I'll try this method later.
Thanks for enlightening me.
-- Kazushi
On Oct 13, 3:36, wrote:
> Subject: Re: how to install pkgsrc compiled on another machine?
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Kazushi (Jam) Marukawa wrote:
> > I have one question about pkgsrc stuff. How can I install pkgsrc
> > compiled on another machine? The another machine is faster, so I
> > compiled there.
> Here are several strategies to do similar things: