Subject: Re: Upgrade troubbles
To: William Allen Simpson <>
From: Olivier Cherrier <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/08/2003 16:20:27
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 10:02:18AM -0400, wrote:
> I have to agree, OpenBSD is/was easier and better documented.
Yes, I think so.
> I came back to NetBSD last year about this time, with the release of
> 1.6, and promptly tried to upgrade 1.6 to -current on a test machine.
> It took a fair amount of help.... (Thanks Perry and Niels!)
> Admittedly, was really improved a lot in December/January.
> Some months ago, I tried to help update the NetBSD documentation, but
> the PR has never been committed.
Humm, strange!
> So far, the best (undocumented) method has turned out to be (off the
> top of my head from memory):
> FTP a release into your favorite directory (assuming /root) that's
> about a week old and nobody complained about on this list, say
> cd 200309280000/i386/binary/sets/
> mget *.tgz
> quit
> tar -zxpf kern-GENERIC.tgz
> cd /
> mv /netbsd /netbsd.old
> mv /root/netbsd /netbsd
> tar -zxpf /root/base.tgz
> tar -zxpf /root/comp.tgz
> ... (as many more as you like, just base and comp are essential)
> reboot
OK, I see.
Yes, this method is in fact an half source upgrade.
> After that, the process will work a lot better.
Effectively it should work far more better since the delta between builder
system and -current sources is very small.
> And install=/ will also walk you through postinstall and
> etcupdate, both of which have improved dramatically in the past year.
These tools are new for me... I'll look at them when the system is up
to date.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and advices.
oc -