Subject: Re: How to install bootstrap for RAID 1 on i386-current?
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/19/2003 19:39:53
Simon Burge <> writes:

> Maybe running installboot on rsd0a might be worth a try too if
> nothing else works.

I just tried:

barsoom# fdisk -i sd0
barsoom# fdisk sd0
3: NetBSD (sysid 169)
    start 512, size 17915728 (8748 MB, Cyls 34/0/3-1194416), Active
Bootselector disabled.
barsoom# disklabel -r sd0
 a:   4718656       512       RAID                     #
 c:  17915728       512     unused      0     0        #
 d:  17916240         0     unused      0     0        #
barsoom# cp /usr/mdec/biosboot /boot
barsoom# installboot -v /dev/rsd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2
File system:         /dev/rsd0a
File system type:    raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2

However, it's still not bootable -- my BIOS takes over, asking me to
press a key to reboot.

> I also take it that you really do have ffs V2 filesystems?  :-)

I assume so -- they're freshly newfs'ed under NetBSD 1.6ZA.  That
should make them V2, right?

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway  T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901