Subject: Re: today's openssh version 3.7
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/17/2003 13:05:52
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William Allen Simpson <> wrote:
> Daniel Carosone wrote:
> >=20
> > On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 01:44:22AM -0400, Andrew Brown wrote:
> > > did you seriously expect that installing something from pkgsrc would
> > > overwrite something from your base system?
> > >
> Why yes, since sshd is part of the base install, of course! =20
Well, the ssh that is part of the base system is different from the
OpenSSH package from pkgsrc. The base system ssh is maintained by
NetBSD as part of the base system, with all the care and prudence this
implies. The OpenSSH package of pkgsrc is just that: a *package* of
the OpenSSH software, as the OpenSSH folks produce it.
(It just so happens that the ssh that is shipped in the base system is
based on the official OpenSSH.)
> Surely the package maintainers *know* that ssh belongs in the base....
No, the package maintainer of the OpenSSH pkgsrc package *know* that
this ssh does *not* belong into the base system. It's an add-on
package, so per default it should go where all add-on packages go.
> (OK, OK, that last is sarcasm, it bothers me that things have to be=20
> maintained in 2 places, by hand! As I posted earlier, I'd no idea that=
> OpenSSH was still a package, since it is part of the base.
It is not ``still'' a package, it just happens to be _a_ package. We
also have a packagized bmake (which is NetBSD's make, part of NetBSD
base), nbsed and other things in pkgsrc. But pkgsrc is pkgsrc, and
base-system is base-system.
--=20 -
Multiarchitecture OS, no hype required.
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