Subject: Re: today's openssh version 3.7
To: William Allen Simpson <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/17/2003 16:17:31
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On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 09:24:40AM -0400, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> Why yes, since sshd is part of the base install, of course! =20
> Surely the package maintainers *know* that ssh belongs in the base....
> Surely the package and the /usr/src correspond with great exactness.=20
> (OK, OK, that last is sarcasm, it bothers me that things have to be
> maintained in 2 places, by hand!  As I posted earlier, I'd no idea
> that OpenSSH was still a package, since it is part of the base.  Maybe
> ssh could be the poster child for moving toward a package system for
> most of the OS utilities?)

please note that pkgsrc is not NetBSD-only, that's why there will be
OpenSSH package in pkgsrc even if we had base system syspkgized.

> > Or (vastly preferred) set UPDATE_INTREE_OPENSSH
> =20
> I'll try it.  Where in the documentation was I supposed to find that?

pkgsrc/mk/, which you was supposed to copy over to
your /etc/mk.conf and edit to your preference.


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <>                   --
--                  <>                   --

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