Subject: Re: 1.6ZA: COMPAT_16 broken (supposed)
To: Christoph Egger <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/14/2003 18:00:34
It appears to work fine for me, using ZA kernel with slightly older
-current userland (some weeks old). I know it's silly, but
can you try to rebuild the kernel from scrath, i.e. do

	make clean && make depend && make


Christoph Egger wrote:
> Hi!
> I am using -1-6 userland and upgraded my -current kernel to 1.6ZA today.
> After booting it, I was able to login a message appeared which kind of
> terminal
> I have (vt100) but I got no shell prompt.
> I tried to log in on another console, too. I got a message about the
> terminal type
> (vt220) and that's all. No login prompt.
> Without knowing how to engage DDB manually, I was forced to hard reset
> my machine.
> Fortunately, I still have a working -1-6 kernel (without it, my netbsd
> installation
> would have been absolutely unuseable till a complete reinstall).
> AFAIK, COMPAT_16 that has been added to keep -1-6 userland 
> working, I suppose it is broken now.
> (I didn't have this problem with 1.6Z and earlier kernels).
> -- 
> CU,
> Christoph Egger
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Jaromir Dolecek <>  
-=- We should be mindful of the potential goal, but as the tantric    -=-
-=- Buddhist masters say, ``You may notice during meditation that you -=-
-=- sometimes levitate or glow.   Do not let this distract you.''     -=-