Subject: Re: New command...
To: NetBSD Current Users <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/04/2003 20:29:45
In message <>, Greywolf
>Thus spake Peter Seebach ("PS> ") sometime Today...
>PS> Sounds useful.  Maybe it should be folded into mknod, though, since that's
>PS> the "I want to create a new file" program?  :)

>Not really, unless you want to add the size calculation gunk.

>I should restate:

>mkfile is good for creating blank files -=of a user-specified size=- for
>use with vnconfig and as NFS swap spaces...

Right.  I was just toying with the idea that specifying "size" of a "plain
file" is no weirder than specifying "major and minor number" of a "device
special".  It's a LOT like mknod.  I want a file of a given type with the
following trivially-specified attributes...
