Subject: Re: GCC3.3.1 switch coming soon.
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/04/2003 10:18:31
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Jochen Kunz <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 09:34:26AM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> > > GCC 3.3.1 causes *lots* of build problems in "pkgsrc"
> > Seconded.  I just ran a bulk-build with gcc-3.3.1, and the result was
> > 193 broken packages (in contrast to <25 broken packages).  Among them,
> > it seems that KDE3 has problems with gcc-3.3.1.
> So the right way is the hard way: Get it compiled with GCC 3.3, make=20
> local patches in pkgsrc and try to submit them to the authors of the=20
> freeware.=20

I understand this point of view and am not advocating delaying the
integration of gcc3 into the base system for pkgsrc only.  On the other
hand, pkgsrc maintainers can not be expected to fix each and every third
party application.  They often do, and that really helps make things
work, but let's face it, it's a pain.

FWIW, I'll run another bulk-build with gcc-3.3.1 and post the results to
the tech-pkg list.


Life," said Marvin, "don't talk to me about life."

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