Subject: Re: BSD Authentication
To: None <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/28/2003 01:30:49
On Jan 15, 2:57pm, Chuck Yerkes wrote:
} Quoting Peter Seebach (
} > In message <>, write
} > >>1. Does anyone have BSD Auth working on NetBSD?
} > >>2. Does anyone plan to?
} > >>
} > >>I'm interested in this, just because it's one of my favorite features ever.
} > > every time i raise this question, i get attacked by pro-PAM people.
} If the "pro-PAM" people don't have code, they can shove off.
The code can be lifted from FreeBSD.
} The missing bit is name service stuff ("extending" passwd|services|whatever
} to use a name service to get the info you want; the Hesiod support
I believe this is coming. It was one of the major reasons for
going to an all dynamic system. Hey Luke, how's the work on this
coming along?
}-- End of excerpt from Chuck Yerkes