Subject: Re: current build problem.
To: None <>
From: MOCHIZUKI Tomomitsu <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/21/2003 23:15:51
Hello, All.
At Thu, 14 Aug 2003 22:52:04 +0900,
MOCHIDUKI Tomomitsu wrote:
> Because it became such an error if I executed this command, it reports.
> I specify USE_TOOLS_TOOLCHAIN=no in / etc/mk.conf.
> ----
> ./ -D /usr/rel/root -R /usr/rel/dist -r release
> <snip>
> (cd /usr/src/distrib/sets; /usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbmake sets)
> /usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbmake checkflist
> DESTDIR=/usr/rel/root MACHINE=i386 MACHINE_ARCH=i386 CKSUM=/usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbcksum MAKE=/usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbmake MTREE=/usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbmtree PAX=/usr/obj/tooldir/bin/nbpax sh /usr/src/distrib/sets/checkflist
> =========== missing files ==============
> Files in flist but missing from DESTDIR.
> File wasn't installed ?
> ------------------------------------------
> ./usr/include/i386/_G_config.h
> ./usr/share/info/
> ./usr/share/man/cat1/cccp.0
> ./usr/share/man/man1/cccp.1
> ======== end of missing files ==========
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/distrib/sets
> *** Error code 1
> ----
The place, the procedure to have tested this problem by correcting it could be executed until the last.
Is there not a problem in the correction of me?
Index: comp/md.i386
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/sets/lists/comp/md.i386,v
retrieving revision 1.74
diff -c -r1.74 md.i386
*** comp/md.i386 2003/06/05 15:45:17 1.74
--- comp/md.i386 2003/08/21 13:58:39
*** 1,7 ****
# $NetBSD: md.i386,v 1.74 2003/06/05 15:45:17 jwise Exp $
./lib/ comp-sys-shlib
./usr/include/i386 comp-c-include
- ./usr/include/i386/_G_config.h comp-c-include
./usr/include/i386/ansi.h comp-c-include
./usr/include/i386/aout_machdep.h comp-c-include
./usr/include/i386/apmvar.h comp-c-include
--- 1,6 ----
Index: man/mi
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/sets/lists/man/mi,v
retrieving revision 1.597
diff -c -r1.597 mi
*** man/mi 2003/08/01 02:46:57 1.597
--- man/mi 2003/08/21 14:04:42
*** 22,28 ****
./usr/share/info/ man-krb5-info
./usr/share/info/ man-texinfo-info
./usr/share/info/ man-texinfo-info
- ./usr/share/info/ man-cxx-info
./usr/share/info/ man-krb4-info
./usr/share/info/ man-computil-info
./usr/share/info/ man-gnats-info
--- 22,27 ----
Index: comp/mi
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/sets/lists/comp/mi,v
retrieving revision 1.607
diff -c -r1.607 mi
*** comp/mi 2003/08/02 18:49:10 1.607
--- comp/mi 2003/08/21 14:08:21
*** 1097,1103 ****
./usr/share/man/cat1/c++filt.0 comp-cxx-catman
./usr/share/man/cat1/c89.0 comp-c-catman
./usr/share/man/cat1/cc.0 comp-c-catman
- ./usr/share/man/cat1/cccp.0 comp-util-catman
./usr/share/man/cat1/crunchgen.0 comp-c-catman
./usr/share/man/cat1/crunchide.0 comp-c-catman
./usr/share/man/cat1/cvs.0 comp-cvs-catman
--- 1097,1102 ----
*** 4518,4524 ****
./usr/share/man/man1/c++filt.1 comp-cxx-man
./usr/share/man/man1/c89.1 comp-c-man
./usr/share/man/man1/cc.1 comp-c-man
- ./usr/share/man/man1/cccp.1 comp-util-man
./usr/share/man/man1/crunchgen.1 comp-c-man
./usr/share/man/man1/crunchide.1 comp-c-man
./usr/share/man/man1/cvs.1 comp-cvs-man
--- 4517,4522 ----