Subject: Re: tools fails while installing groff
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/21/2003 12:18:20
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Louis  Guillaume wrote:
> install-info --info-dir=/usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6U-i386/info 
> /usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6U-i386/info/groff
> install-info: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
> *** Error code 2
> Any idea what might be going on?

One bug is that the build should invoke
${TOOLDIR}/bin/nbinstall-info instead of just install-info.  Try the
appended patch to fix that.

It also looks as though whatever install-info happens to be in your PATH
is of a type not supported by your kernel, so the shell tries to run it
as a shell script, and that fails.

Here's what I see when I force a shell to interpret install-info as a
shell script:

$ type install-info
install-info is /usr/bin/install-info
$ sh /usr/bin/install-info
/usr/bin/install-info: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

--apb (Alan Barrett)

Index: tools/groff/Makefile
--- tools/groff/Makefile	18 Jul 2003 08:26:13 -0000	1.23
+++ tools/groff/Makefile	21 Aug 2003 10:07:15 -0000
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 MODULE=		groff
 ALL_TARGET=	src/include all
 TMACDIR=	${TOOLDIR}/share/groff/tmac
 SITETMACDIR=	${TOOLDIR}/share/groff/site-tmac