Subject: Re: The smallest multi-user system
To: Brian Rose <>
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
List: current-users
Date: 08/16/2003 17:20:35
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 21:48:38 -0400
From: Brian Rose <>
Message-ID: <>
| Anyways, if I drag the whole rc.d structure in, wouldn't I have
| to bring along all the required binaries as well?
You don't necessarily need "the whole rc.d structure", and aside from
simplicity of making things work, I'm not sure I'd bother with rc.d at
all for an embedded device - that is, rc.d is great on "normal" systems,
but on an embedded device where what is to run is decided when the
system is built, and never later, it really doesn't add much.
But you do need to be doing some of what the rc.d scripts do, some of
that is not (even close to) optional, it is a fundamental part of the
system startup (if you want to get to multi-user anyway).
In particular, you need /etc/rc.d/root (that is, to do what /etc/rc.d/root
does, one way or another).
It is probably worth looking at all of the scripts that have no rcvar
setting, to see which others are doing something that you really need done.
Anything that rc.conf allows to be disabled (as in, has an rcvar which
can be set to off) is clearly not required, so all those can be ignored.