Subject: Re: SMP + pthreads update
To: None <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/18/2003 18:57:49
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On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 18:42:00 +0200
Frank van der Linden <> wrote:
> Stephan Uphoff has been working on fixing some threading kernel bugs,
> and improving the pthread + SMP case. I have checked in his changes.
> With these changes, I have been unable to crash the kernel in the
> pthread + SMP case, running xmms and Mozilla Firebird as tests
> (it used to crash pretty quickly). Some other problems should also
> be gone, like threaded applications locking up.
> I don't think all problems have been fixed, but it's a large step
> forward. So if you've had pthread-related crashes (espcially with
> SMP systems), please update your sources, and rebuild.
I have updated my system with the latest changes and
it works very well now, before of those changes, running cvs up -dP
on pkgsrc, xmms always hangs, now seems that all it's OK.
Thank you!
Juan RP <>
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